Much needed privacy act coming to Jamaica

A privacy and data protection act is to be tabled in Jamaica in the next three months. Andrew Wheatley, the government minister responsible for technology, made the disclosure via the Jamaica Information Service website recently. This is the third such public announcement by the Minister in five months (See here and here). Presumably, therefore, there is substance…

Aslam v Uber and a few implications for Uber’s entry into Trinidad

A first-instance Court in the United Kingdom ruled in October 2016 that the relationship between ride-sharing app, Uber and its drivers was that of an employer and employee. Uber unsuccessfully contended that its drivers were merely independent contractors. The case –  Aslam v Uber BV [2017] IRLR 4 – naturally sent ripples throughout the gig-economy, given the wider…

Presentation: E-commerce and the Barbados Services Sector

A bit late with this one. Apologies. In September 2017, I gave a presentation at a breakfast seminar put on by the Barbados Coalition of Service Industries. The seminar was focused on E-Commerce in Barbados and I was asked to consider legal implications. My presentation touched on: Elements of an enabling e-commerce environment. Common barriers…

CANTO Code of Practice and Net Neutrality in the Caribbean

A voluntary code titled: Voluntary Code on Safeguarding the Open Internet” (”the Code”) was publicly unveiled at the recently held Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (“CANTO”) meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The Code’s stated objective indicates that: “The Code is in response to concerns brought forward by operators about consumer rights in accessing…

ECTEL proposes net neutrality language in draft regulations to complement revised Electronic Communications bill

The Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL) is the regional, multi-state telecoms regulator for the Eastern Caribbean.  Recently, ECTEL put forward a slew of recommendations on various regulatory instruments to be enacted in the Eastern Caribbean. The regulations would go hand-in-hand with the proposed revisions to the Electronic Communications bill. The proposed regulations cover: infrastructure sharing;…

Cyber security Report on Latin America and the Caribbean

The Inter-American Development Bank, in association with the Organisation of American States, launched a publication: Cybersecurity: Are We Ready in Latin America and the Caribbean?  According to the blurb on the website:  The 2016 Cybersecurity Report is the result of the collaboration between the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Organization of American States (OAS), and…